According to internet-security firm  Symantec, Netflix users are falling victim to a new scam. Hackers are using Trojans and phishing campaigns to steal their login details, then sell them on via the black market (also see: What is the grey market?). New users are then given cheaper access to Netflix without paying the monthly subscription fee.

Are you a victim of the Netflix account scam?

It should be fairly obvious if your Netflix account is being used without your knowledge. Not only will random shows and movies appear in the Continue watching field, but you’ll likely start to receive some random recommendations of what to watch next. You can also check a list of content that has recently been watched on your account via the Netflix website. Sign in at, then tap on the downward-facing triangle beside your account name at the top right of the screen. Choose Your Account.

On the next screen, under My Profile, choose Viewing Activity.

Are there any films or TV shows here that you know you haven’t watched?

Click the ‘See recent account access’ link at the top of the page to also see which devices have checked in. If you are based in the UK, any locations listed here that are not the UK will serve as a warning sign (unless you have used a VPN to get access to US Netflix).

How to avoid the Netflix account scam

There is an option on your Netflix account page to ‘Sign out of all devices’, but if they have your password there is nothing to stop them logging back in. The only way to lock them out is to change your password. As before, sign in at, then click the downward-facing triangle beside your account name at the top right of the screen. Choose Your Account, then click on Change your password under Membership & Billing. You will be required to enter your old password and new password, then confirm your new password. Tick the box to ‘Require all devices to sign in again with the new password’, then click Save.

To avoid becoming a victim of the Netflix account scam in the first place, be sure to access Netflix content through only the dedicated Netflix apps or website. Don’t click on any advertisements that appear to offer Netflix for free or at a reduced price. And always ensure your security software is running and up to date. Read next: Best free and paid antivirus software for PC and laptop 2016 Follow Marie Brewis on Twitter. Marie is Editor in Chief of Tech Advisor and Macworld. A Journalism graduate from the London College of Printing, she’s worked in tech media for more than 17 years, managing our English language, French and Spanish consumer editorial teams and leading on content strategy through Foundry’s transition from print, to digital, to online - and beyond.

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