Before we start, you’ll be pleased to know that you might not need to do anything at all. According to Three’s website if you’ve bought a device from it after January 2014 then your device will already be unlocked. So you can just remove the SIM card and put the new one in place and you’re good to go. If this doesn’t apply to you then read on and we’ll show you how to unlock it. Make sure you take a look at our take on the best smartphones currently available.

How to unlock your phone on Three.

Head over to this page on Three’s websiteEnter the make and model of your phone from the drop-down boxes in the middle of the pageClick the ‘Unlocking form’ arrow just belowFill out this form on the new page and then hit ‘Submit’ at the bottom

Once you’ve completed these steps it will take anything from a few hours to 10 days to get the unlock code for your phone. This will depend on a number of factors regarding the make and model of your phone, but it does usually happen quickly. Once you get the code you’ll also be given instructions on what to do next and how to go about physically unlocking the device which usually will just involve connecting to the internet after the code has been entered. You’ll find more details of this process at the bottom of this page on Three’s website.